
We started this morning turning cars away that arrived in the North car line after 7:35 and we will continue that until we can get the north car line finished at 7:35. We will have cones set out after 7:35 to indicate that the North car line has been closed. 

If you are in the car line before 7:35 then you will stay in the car line like normal but if you are driving in the parking lot at 7:35 or after then you will be directed to the front office to check your child in. 

We had hoped the car line would even out after 3 weeks of school but we are getting more cars arriving later and later so we have to make this change to make sure we are ending the car line as close to 7:35 as possible. 

We cannot control the amount of car riders nor can we control the traffic on Sanderson Road but we can control cutting the car line off to ensure we are starting our school on time. 

We ask that parents remain in their cars during AM drop off so that the car line can move faster to accommodate all parents. 

Thank you ,

Mr. Baker